

    School publications are very important in the field of education. These materials reflect the image of the institution through writings produced by students and teachers. These publications, such as magazines and newspapers, act as a unifying force, connecting students, faculty, and alumni and fostering a sense of community and shared identity.
    At PM SHRI KV AMBARNATH several key publications play an essential role in fostering communication, celebrating achievements, and providing guidance within the school community. These publications include the School Magazine, News Letter, Annual Reports, and Teachers’ Manual.

    School Magazine

    The School Magazine serves as a creative outlet for students, teachers, and staff to showcase their talents and achievements. It typically includes:

    Student Contributions: Articles, essays, poems, artwork, and photography created by students.

    Highlights of School Events: Reports on various school activities, cultural events, sports competitions, and field trips.

    Achievements: Recognitions of academic and extracurricular accomplishments by students and staff.

    News Letter

    The News Letter is a more frequent publication that keeps the school community updated on ongoing and upcoming activities. It usually features:

    Monthly/Quarterly Updates: Information on recent and forthcoming events, programs, and initiatives.

    Annual Reports

    The Annual Reports provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s performance and activities over the academic year. They typically include:

    Teachers’ Manual

    The Teachers’ Manual is a crucial resource designed to support teachers in their instructional and administrative duties.

    These publications collectively contribute to the dynamic and informed environment at PM SHRI KV IIT Powai, ensuring that students, teachers, and parents are well-informed and engaged in the school community.