


    CCA Committee

    Name of the Member Designation Incharge/ Member Duties and Responsibilities
    Mr. R. K. Yadav PGT HINDI Incharge To see the arrangement of assembly programme and proper implementation of the same.
    Plan all activities under CCA in consultation with house master and implement the same in a befitting manner.
    Mr. Sachin Parker TGT Member Arrange for evaluation and prize distribution.
    Mr. Ram M. Bombale TGT Member Conduct elections for student council and to develop leadership qualities and students through student council.
    Mrs. Deepika TGT Member Prepare the list of festivals and important days to be celebrated well in advance and plan accordingly.Form Sub-Committees of different Activities and allot duties to teacher.
    Mrs. Kiran Aseri TGT Member To make arrangement of PA system for assembly and all other occasions.
    To keep record the lost/found items/belonging of students/staff safe and return to the individual concerned after obtaining necessary details.